New invisible solar panel windows

New invisible solar panel windows

New invisible solar panel windows Glass windows which are also solar panels. Clear View Technologies. A report on Nine News – The window panes harness sunlight and turn it into power. This is an Australian invention and a world first.  It looks like a standard...
We can make a difference

We can make a difference

We can make a difference Residential Households and Businesses making a real difference to green energy. Australian households and companies using rooftop solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles are being recognised as a major driving force of the country’s...
Can I install solar power myself?

Can I install solar power myself?

Can I install solar power myself? The answer is no you can’t Power companies require a licenced electrical contractor to install solar systems that are connected to the grid.  Solar panels are subsidised by the federal government and to obtain the rebate a...
How does solar power save you money

How does solar power save you money

How does solar power save you money Solar power saves money Solar power saves you money by producing electricity for you to use in your home.  The electricity produced by a solar system will automatically power your home first.  If there is too much energy being...
How much do solar panels cost?

How much do solar panels cost?

How much do solar panels cost? The cost of solar power systems As you would expect this will vary based on several factors.  Technology is moving fast and solar panels become more efficient every year.  Most new panels manufactured are now ‘N’ type as opposed to the...